What is Nemaura Medical Inc.’s (Nemaura) stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on OTCMKTS Capital Markets under the symbol NMRD
When was Nemaura incorporated?
December 2013
When did Nemaura list on NASDAQ?
January 2018, prior to which it was trading on the OTCQB
Where are Nemaura’s core Operations located?
Advanced Technology Centre
Oakwood Drive
LE11 3QF United Kingdom
When is Nemaura’s year end?
March 31st
Who is Nemaura’s transfer agent?
Nevada Agency and Transfer Company
50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880
Reno NV 89501
T: (775) 322 0626
Who is Nemaura’s independent auditor?
Weinberg & Company
1925 Century Park East,
Suite 1120
Los Angeles, CA 90067
T: 310.601.2215
Who is Nemaura’s outside legal counsel?
Laura Anthony, Esquire
Anthony L.G., PLLC
625 N. Flagler Drive
Suite 600
West Palm Beach, FL. 33401
Who is Nemaura’s outside Investor Relations consultant?
Email: IR@NemauraMedical.com